The Jelly Blog / Official Jelly Facebook Group

Official Jelly Facebook Group

Hey there! In case you haven’t heard, Jelly has a new Facebook Group. You can read about other people’s experience with Jelly URL, find new ways to use the Jelly service to make your life easier, share feature ideas, and more!

How do you join the Jelly Facebook Group?

There are just a few easy steps for joining the Jelly Users Facebook group! First, if you haven’t already, sign up for a Jelly URL free trial.

Next, go to the Jelly Users Facebook Group and request to join the group. Once you fill answer the questions, we will add you to the group! You can introduce yourself and look around.

So what are you waiting for? Activate your free trial of Jelly URL and then join the Facebook group to be part of the community!

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